

主演:弗莱迪·福克斯 / 马克·阿蒂 / 斯蒂芬·格

导演:Daikichi Sano,科恩·库纳提阿皮西里,凯瑟琳·麦奎尔


《白屋农场谋杀案》剧集介绍:ITV’s six part factual drama, White House Farm, produced by New Pictures revolves around one fateful night in August 1985 when five members of the same family were murdered at an Essex farmhouse; Sheila Caffell, her twin six-year-old sons, Daniel and Nicholas, and her parents, Nevill and June Bamber.   The series will seek to provide fresh insight into this family tragedy and the contested accounts of the events that took place at White House Farm. Based on extensive research, interviews and published accounts including, ‘The Murders at White House Farm’ by Carol Ann Lee with additional material from ‘In Search of The Rainbow’s End’ by Colin Caffell, husband of Sheila and father to Daniel and Nicholas Caffell.   Essex Police initially believed that Sheila, who had mental health problems, had murdered her own family before turning the gun on herself. But Detective Sergeant Stan Jones had doubts about the murder-suicide theory, and about Sheila’s brother Jeremy Bamber, who first called the police to the farm. Eventually it was Jeremy Bamber who was charged and convicted of the murders of his own parents, sister and nephews. Bamber is currently serving life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. He is one of the few prisoners in the UK subject to a whole-life order. Bamber still maintains his innocence.... 详情



  • 川阴:刚刚
    『叁』 求美国电影,电影一开始几个好友外出开单身派对,叫了脱衣舞,最后还不小心杀了脱衣舞女
  • 一九八八:2分钟前
  • 泽小新:5分钟前
  • 心软不能治:9分钟前
  • 蹦南天:2分钟前
  • 执宁:5小时前
  • 雨龙王:6小时前
    BBC(英国广播公司) :《霸王别姬》是取得世界性成功的艺术电影;这部电影在世界范围内的成功也令张国荣扬名国际。
  • 呢呜呀:7小时前
    一部美国电影 关于一个妇女以清洁女工的身份偷盗银行回收的旧币,
  • ■□愛ヾ獨一無二:7小时前
    暗物质Dark Matt (2007)71 流星导演:陈士争 主演:刘烨梅丽尔·斯特里普艾丹·奎因 影片取材于真实故事,其蓝本是1991年留美学生卢刚枪杀导师一案。
  • 仙女粉色系:1天前


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